
Flying Squad in Harborne

1st May 2016

Why not join the Akaal and the team for an hour or two in the build up to the Local Elections on 5th May?  

Flying Squad Quinton

28th April 2016

Why not join the Georgina and the team for an hour or two on our regular campaigning sessions followed by a social drink afterwards?  

Cllr Des Flood

Des is the newly elected  member of the City Council for Bartley Green. He has strong ties to the ward, having been an assistant head teacher there for a number of years, and is determined to continue Viv's excellent work following her retirement.

The Lord Michael Whitby of Harborne in the City of Birmingham - President

Lord Whiby is a working peer. He has a long history in local government, having served on both the Sandwell and Birmingham Councils. Between 2004-2010 he was the Leader of Birmingham City Council. He has served the ward of Harborne tirelessly over a many number of years, both in elected office and as an advocate of its residents. He was recognised for his life time's work when he was enobled in 2013.

James Boran - Deputy Chairman, Political & Campaigns

James has been on the association's Executive for a number of years, serving a Secretary prior to his current position. He also has extensive campaign experience, having been the election agent for our Parliamentary candidate in the 2015 General Election.

Ian Colpman - Chairman

Ian is a devoted member of the constituency association. Over a number of years he has been actively involved in a multitude of campaigns to improve our community. He also takes a great interest in spreading the Conservative message across the city of Birmingham.  Follow @IanColpman